A downloadable game

Little Bird is a bird.

Little Bird is little.

Little Bird has decided he will save the world... or something?


I had a sweet friend name little bird. He was very ill, so I was making this LD entry for and about him, hoping it would help him feel better. Unfortunately, he passed away before I was able to complete it and I lost heart and was unable to finish it during the compo time.

What I did create allows you to fly, land, peck, and chirp like Little Bird. Unfortunately there's no real "game mechanics" to speak of. No goal. No winning or losing. Please just take a minute to be a little bird in a room. I hope it can bring you a little bit of happiness, just like my friend brought me.

Right this second I've only got the raw Pico8 file to upload, but I'll try to export and post an HTML version too if I can bring myself to do it before this hurricane knocks out my power.

Thank you.

Published 8 days ago
TagsLudum Dare, PICO-8
LinksLudum Dare


ld56.p8 34 kB
ld56.p8.png 4.9 kB

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